국립부경대학교 | 에너지자원공학과



하완수 [학과장]교수

  • 주소 : 탄성파탐사연구실
  • 이메일 : 메일
  • 전화번호 : 051-629-6563
  • 홈페이지 : https://pkgpl.org

■ 2000.3. ~ 2006.2. 서울대학교 지구환경시스템공학부 공학사

■ 2006.3. ~ 2008.2. 서울대학교 에너지시스템공학부 공학석사

■ 2008.3. ~ 2011.2. 서울대학교 에너지시스템공학부 공학박사

■ 2011.3. ~ 2013.8. 서울대학교 에너지자원신기술연구소 선임연구원

■ 2011.9. ~ 2013.8. 서울대학교 에너지자원공학과 시간강사

■ 2009.6. ~ 2013.8. ㈜신스지오피직스 자문위원
■ 2013.9. ~ 2017.8. 부경대학교 에너지자원공학과 조교수
■ 2017.9. ~ 2021.8. 부경대학교 에너지자원공학과 부교수
■ 2021.9. ~               부경대학교 에너지자원공학과 정교수

탄성파 자료 처리, 파동 전파 모델링, 완전 파형 역산, 역시간 구조 보정 

등록된 내용이 없습니다.

■ 하완수편석준손우현신창수고승원서영탁, 2008, 암염돔 하부 구조의 구조보정 영상 개선을 위한 파형역산 기연구지구물리와물리탐사, 11(3), 177-183.


■ Changsoo Shin and Wansoo Ha, 2008, A comparison between the behavior of objective functions for waveform inversion in the frequency and Laplace domains: Geophysics, 73(5), VE199-VE133.


■ Wansoo Ha, YoungHo Cha, and Changsoo Shin, 2010, A comparison between Laplace domain and frequency domain methods for inverting seismic waveforms: Exploration Geophysics, 41(3), 189-197.


■ Wansoo Ha, Sukjoon Pyun, Jewoo Yoo, and Changsoo Shin, 2010, Acoustic full waveform inversion of synthetic land and marine data in the Laplace domain: Geophysical Prospecting, 58(6), 1033-1048.


■ Wansoo Ha and Changsoo Shin, 2012, Efficient Laplace-domain modeling and inversion using an axis transformation technique: Geophysics, 77(4), R141-R148.


■ Wansoo Ha, Wookeen Chung, Eunjin Park, and Changsoo Shin, 2012, 2-D acoustic Laplace-domain waveform inversion of marine field data: Geophysical Journal International, 190(1), 421-428.


■ Wansoo Ha, Wookeen Chung, Sungryul Shin, and Changsoo Shin, 2012, Non-uniqueness of waveform inversions in the Laplace domain: Geosystem Engineering, 15(3), 151-156.


■ Wansoo Ha and Changsoo Shin, 2012, Proof of the existence of both zero- and low-frequency information in a damped wavefield: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 83, 96-99.


■ Wansoo Ha, Wookeen Chung, and Changsoo Shin, 2012, Pseudo-Hessian matrix for the logarithmic objective function in full waveform inversion: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 21(3), 201-214.


■ Wansoo Ha and Changsoo Shin, 2012, Laplace-domain full waveform inversion of seismic data lacking low-frequency information: Geophysics, 77(5), R199-R206.


■ Byoung Joon Yoon, Wansoo Ha, Woohyun Son, Changsoo Shin, and Henri Calandra, 2012, 3D acoustic modelling and waveform inversion in the Laplace domain for an irregular sea floor using the Gaussian quadrature integration method: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 87, 107-117.


■ Wansoo Ha and Changsoo Shin, 2013, Efficient Laplace-domain full waveform inversion using a cyclic shot subsampling method: Geophysics, 78(2), R37-R46.


■ Jewoo Yoo, Wansoo Ha, Changsoo Shin, and Dong-Joo Min, 2013, Scattered energy inversion of seismic data: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 22(2), 183-208.


■ Wansoo Ha and Changsoo Shin, 2013, Why do Laplace-domain waveform inversions yield long-wavelength results?: Geophysics, 78(4), R167-R173.


■ Eunjin Park, Wansoo Ha, Wookeen Chung, Changsoo Shin, and Dong-Joo Min, 2013, 2D Laplace-domain waveform inversion of field data using a power objective function: Pure and Applied Geophysics, Published online.


■ Sangmin Kwak, Hyunggu Jun, Wansoo Ha, and Changsoo Shin, 2013, Temporal windowing and inverse transform of the wavefield in the Laplace-Fourier domain: Geophysics, Accepted.


■ Changsoo Shin, Wansoo Ha, and Youngseo Kim, 2013, Subsurface model estimation using Laplace-domain inversion methods: The Leading Edge, Accepted.

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